Updated Athletic/Activity Spaces to meet State and District standards related to a track, concession area, restrooms, bleachers and locker areas at the Rogers High School.
Weight Room: Same square footage as the ERHS Weightroom.
Additional Gym Space at Rogers High School to meet State and District Standard.
Security Upgrades at Hassan Elementary.
Boiler Replacement at Otsego Elementary.
Tennis courts at Rogers High School.
Miscellaneous Interior Upgrades throughout the Region.
Updated Athletic/Activity Spaces to meet State and District standards related to a track, concession area, restrooms, bleachers and locker areas at Zimmerman MS/ High School.
Weight Room: Same square footage as the ERHS Weightroom.
Security Upgrades at Westwood Elementary.
Roofing at Zimmerman Elementary.
Interior and Mechanical Upgrades at Zimmerman Elementary.
Mechanical Upgrades at Zimmerman MS/HS.
Miscellaneous Interior Upgrades throughout the Region.
Central Region (Elk River)
Multipurpose Field at Elk River High School.
Updated Athletic/Activity Spaces to meet State and District standards related to a track, concession area, restrooms, bleachers and locker areas at Elk River High School.
Parking Lot Replacement at Elk River High School.
Hockey locker room to be utilized by Zimmerman and Elk River High School hockey players. Built to be equivalent to locker rooms utilized by Rogers High School hockey players.
Handke Center Gymnasium Renovation.
Flooring Project at Elk River High School.
Interior Lighting Project at Elk River High School.
VandenBerge Middle School - lot reconstruction and interior common spaces.
Miscellaneous Interior Upgrades throughout the Region.
After more than two years of school district planning and several months of discussion between ISD 728 and the City of Elk River, a new parking lot is on its way for staff and students at Elk River High School.
The more than $3.6 million project was made possible by ISD 728 voters, who approved the two-question levy and bond referendum in 2019.
“As we informed our stakeholders and residents about the 2019 referendum, we were up front with the fact that - beyond a new middle school - a lot of these projects were going to be about roofs, HVAC systems and parking lots,” said Superintendent Dan Bittman. “This is a parking lot project that everyone had on their list and is needed not only in terms of maintenance, but also safety and efficiency. The Elk River High School lot has created safety issues for both students and our residents, so something truly had to be done. We’re glad to get started and appreciate the partnership with the City and church.”
The new lot will be shared with users of the City of Elk River’s new multi-purpose arena. It will also fill in the pond that currently sits between VandenBerge Middle School and Elk River High School, with storm drainage moved over to the park’s wetland immediately south of School Street.
The project, which will start as soon as possible in areas near the arena and will take on the full scope of the west parking lot after school releases this spring, is a complete replacement and redesign. It will include:
Safety and security improvements
A relocated traffic signal on School Street to improve traffic circulation and reduce congestion
Additional queuing space with lanes for drop-off, pick up and drive-through (siimilar to in front of Terminal 1 at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport) at both the high school’s “flagpole entrance” and the main entrance to the multi-purpose and ice arena complex
A total of 75 stalls dedicated to the City of Elk River facility
A total of 858 stalls overall, which is an increase of nearly 60 spots in the parking lot
Additional handicap parking spots and loading areas
Improved pedestrian walkways and access
Site/Security lighting replacement
“This is something we’ve wanted and, really, needed at our high school for the past couple of years, so we’re happy to see the project now moving forward. There will be plenty of communication in the months to come for people who are using our facilities over the summer, as we go through this construction,” said ERHS Principal Terry Bizal. “It will be a little bit of pain for a lot of long term gain. We’re thankful to our voters and community for supporting these projects.”
The ISD 28 School Board approved an upgrade to the heating and cooling system at Zimmerman Middle/High School, one of the first projects to move forward as a result of the 2019 Referendum.
The $1.9 million project will be the continuation of a project started after the 2014 referendum and will upgrade the heating and cooling system throughout the middle school and high school, including:
A chiller and chilled water pump to serve existing air handling units, along with upgrades in mechanical equipment related to the new chiller.
The replacement of the existing central heating plant with a high efficiency condensing boiler plant.
The Replacement of the existing drinking fountains with electric water coolers/bottle fill stations
“It’s not as high profile as some projects might be, but giving our students a safe learning environment and continuing to take care of basic infrastructure needs were priorities our community identified in the 2019 refrendum,” said Superintendent Dan Bittman. “This provides an upgrade to our high school/middle school building in an efficient way, and starting in Zimmerman made sense.”
When voters approved the historic levy and bond questions in the 2019 election, a few, core projects emerged as the centerpieces to some wide changes across ISD 728.
They include renovations and updates to athletic and activity areas at all three traditional high schools; the construction of a new middle school in Otsego on the Prairie View campus; reconstruction and renovation of Lincoln Elementary and VandenBerge Middle schools; restoration, renovation and updates at the Handke Family Center.
In addition to those seven projects, the District also promised to update roofs, parking lots, entrances, flooring, painting and more around ISD 728 through a myriad of other projects over a 10 year period.
“We are so grateful for the support the community has shown us both at the polls three years ago now and throughout the past three years as we’ve embarked on these major projects,” said Superintendent Dan Bittman. “It’s journey, and we do it together. But we truly couldn’t have done this without the patience of our staff, families and students and the hard work of our construction workers and partners.”
Here’s a quick rundown of some of the projects as of August 1, 2022, nearly three years after voters approved the District’s bond referendum.
Athletic/Activity Improvements
From track to multi-purpose fields, bleacher improvements to restrooms and concessions, all three high schools saw huge improvements at their stadiums throughout the 2021-2022 school year. These facilities host a variety of men and women programs throughout ISD 728, and are used nearly every day, night, and weekend throughout the year.
While much of the “up front” work is complete, more improvements at those facilities continue this summer, including accessibility ramps, so-called “punch list” items and plans for future entrance and storage improvements at Zimmerman High School and Rogers High School.
Scoreboard updates were also made, thanks to our Cornerstone Sponsors – The Bank of Elk River and Rol-Air Plumbing and Heating.
Inside, facilities at Rogers High and Zimmerman Middle/High School have seen major renovations, including the weight rooms, a performance gymnasium at RHS and a wrestling area at Zimmerman. Many ISD 728 activities will have improved areas for practices, performance, and training due to the support of our students, families and community members.
VandenBerge Middle School
Work over the summer of 2021 saw major improvements to common areas in the school building, as well as locker updates, offices, and new paint and flooring.
Interior work has also included the pool surface and deck area, as well as locker areas.
This summer, as Elk River residents have noticed, major changes are under construction for the VMS bus loop, parking lot and entrances too.
Much of the parking lot reconstruction and pavement will be done before the end of August. Sidewalks, gutters and curbs will also be poured throughout the month.
The hope is the newly designed lot will be safer for parent drop-off/pick-up at the busy intersection of Proctor Avenue Northeast and School Street.
Handke Family Center
Construction in the home of ISD 728’s Community Education and Early Childhood programs started in 2020-2021 and continued throughout the pandemic with asbestos abatement and preliminary planning for reconstruction of the south wing of the building.
Other projects include the cleaning and restoration of the “stack” chimney on the top of the “old” main building, a major roof repair and patching and some restoration work after heavy rains in May 2022 flooded classrooms on the southwest side of the building.
Our construction partners at Wold Architects have worked with staff and administrators at the Handke Family Center for the renovation project, which will kick off next year.
Lincoln Elementary School
Lincoln Elementary is having preliminary work done this summer (2022) on security improvements, parking lot renovation, stormwater drainage and more in preparation for major reconstruction and renovation planned for 2023.
Wold Architects and construction partners have been working with staff and administration on comprehensive plans for the building, including teachers within the Lincoln building, as classrooms will be renovated, common spaces updated (including activity areas) and a change to the main entrance and offices within the school.
More plans will be communicated in the near future.
Prairie View Elementary School
The centerpiece of the 2019 referendum is the new Prairie View Middle School, which will open with more than 800 students in the new building.
That makes two, new, state-of-the-art facilities for Otsego area families on the southwest side of the community, serving more than 1,500 students and early elementary learners as the former E-8 building transitions to an elementary school with an early education wing (preschool).
"Can you imagine trying to squeeze more than 1500 students into one school? We are grateful our community supported the plan when they did, or things would have been much more challenging," Bittman said.
The new building will host Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 as grade configuration changes on the south end of the District were made due to historic growth. It will have a state-of-the-art media center, open spaces for group and individual learning, specialist areas for FACS and science classes as well as art and music areas, and a state-approved storm shelter in one of the gymnasium areas.
Principal Julie Athman comes to the school from Salk STEM Middle School in Elk River and has been with ISD 728 for more than 25 years.
Prairie View Middle will officially open to students with WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) Orientation from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday, August 24 for students in Grade 5 and WEB Orientation for students in Grade 6 from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m., on that same date. Activities to welcome students and help them become familiar with each other and the building will occur at that time. Tours, locker introductions, and activities will be provided for all involved. More info is coming soon.
Prairie View Middle Open House, for all students Grades 5 through 8, will be held Thursday, September 1, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. The Open House will occur from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. for families with last names beginning with A-H, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. for last names I through Q and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for last names R-Z.
Building maintenance and construction projects in school districts are funded differently than staff and/or general operational expenses. In fact, operational expenses such as those related to staffing, purchasing, and/or curriculum cannot be paid for with funds designated for building and/or maintenance, according to Minnesota law.
In school districts, maintenance and construction projects are typically funded one of three ways:
Referendums: Bonds and Levy (i.e. new construction, major renovations, etc.)
Long Term Facility Maintenance (i.e. maintenance, accessibility, health and safety, etc.)
Capital (i.e. repairs, maintenance, equipment, etc.)
Construction and maintenance projects were and are determined in accordance with the District’s Strategic Plan, and based on feedback from community members, and promises made through the 2019 referendum campaign. The District remains committed to ensuring students have equitable, as defined by State and District Standards, high-quality extra-curricular programs and facilities throughout the District.
Since the passage of the referendum in November of 2019, the projects highlighted below have been approved and are in process. These projects will be funded through ways identified above and in accordance with state statute. As a reminder, all referendum projects will be completed within five years of receiving the funds, with additional commitments related to referendum occurring within 10 years.
As communicated over the last two years and as part of the referendum request, projects at each site and in each region (Central, North, South) are meant to bring District facilities up to a minimum standard as defined by the State and District. For example, all traditional high schools are expected to have ADA compliant bleachers, a multi-purpose field, bathrooms with running water, etc. Written differently, at the end of project completion, all ISD 728 students will have access to facilities that meet the minimum, core standards.
Updated Athletic/Activity Spaces to meet State and District standards related to a track, concession area, restrooms, bleachers and locker areas at Elk River High School.
Updated Athletic/Activity Spaces to meet State and District standards related to a track, concession area, restrooms, bleachers and locker areas at Zimmerman MS/ High School.
Updated Athletic/Activity Spaces to meet State and District standards related to a track, concession area, restrooms, bleachers and locker areas at the Rogers High School.
Parking Lot Replacement at Elk River High School.
Weight Room: Same square footage as the ERHS Weightroom.
Weight Room: Same square footage as the ERHS Weightroom.
Hockey locker room to be utilized by Zimmerman and Elk River High School hockey players. Built to be equivalent to locker rooms utilized by Rogers High School hockey players.
Security Upgrades at Westwood Elementary.
Additional Gym Space at Rogers High School to meet State and District Standard.
Handke Center Gymnasium Renovation.
Roofing at Zimmerman Elementary.
Security Upgrades at Hassan Elementary.
Flooring Project at Elk River High School.
Interior and Mechanical Upgrades at Zimmerman Elementary.
Boiler Replacement at Otsego Elementary.
Interior Lighting Project at Elk River High School.
Mechanical Upgrades at Zimmerman MS/HS.
Tennis courts at Rogers High School.
Miscellaneous Interior Upgrades throughout the Region.
Miscellaneous Interior Upgrades throughout the Region.
Miscellaneous Interior Upgrades throughout the Region.
After more than two years of school district planning and several months of discussion between ISD 728 and the City of Elk River, a new parking lot is on its way for staff and students at Elk River High School.
The more than $3.6 million project was made possible by ISD 728 voters, who approved the two-question levy and bond referendum in 2019.
“As we informed our stakeholders and residents about the 2019 referendum, we were up front with the fact that - beyond a new middle school - a lot of these projects were going to be about roofs, HVAC systems and parking lots,” said Superintendent Dan Bittman. “This is a parking lot project that pretty much everyone had on their list. The Elk River High School lot has created safety issues for both students and our residents, so something truly had to be done. We’re glad to get started soon.”
The new lot will be shared with users of the City of Elk River’s new multi-purpose arena. It will also fill in the pond that currently sits between VandenBerge Middle School and the high school, with storm drainage moved over to the park’s wetland immediately south of School Street.
The project, which will start as soon as possible in areas near the arena and will take on the full scope of the west parking lot after school releases this spring, is a complete replacement and redesign. It will include:
Safety and security improvements
A relocated traffic signal on School Street to improve traffic circulation and reduce congestion
Additional queuing space with lanes for drop-off, pick up and drive-through (siimilar to in front of Terminal 1 at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport) at both the high school’s “flagpole entrance” and the main entrance to the multi-purpose and ice arena complex
A total of 75 stalls dedicated to the City of Elk River facility
A total of 858 stalls overall, which is an increase of nearly 60 spots in the parking lot
Additional handicap parking spots and loading areas
Improved pedestrian walkways and access
Site/Security lighting replacement
“This is something we’ve wanted and, really, needed at our high school for the past couple of years, so we’re happy to see the project now moving forward. There will be plenty of communication in the months to come for people who are using our facilities over the summer, particularly our athletes and coaches and summer school students, as we go through this construction,” said ERHS Principal Terry Bizal. “It will be a little bit of pain for a lot of long term gain. We’re thankful to our voters and community for supporting these projects.”
Information about referendum projects can be tracked on the School District’s website, www.ISD728.org/728Strong.
ISD 728 School Board and community members got a fresh look at the District’s newest school, as Wold Architects presented preliminary drawings at last month’s board meeting. “It’s a bit of a breath of fresh air among all of the COVID-19 discussion,” said Board Chair Shane Steinbrecher. “It’s exciting to see these plans, and we are grateful for our Community’s support.” Drawings show the new building, which will be located to the north of the current Prairie View Elementary and Middle School in Otsego. It will allow for middle school grades currently housed at Prairie View to be moved to the new building, and will also allow plenty of open space and alternative learning areas. Those open areas have been precious commodities in the current Prairie View Elementary and Middle School, and have been added to schools throughout ISD 728 as a result of continued growing enrollment, including at Elk River and Rogers High School, VandenBerge Middle and Salk Middle Schools and Zimmerman Middle/High School.
“We find that the kids flock to them,” said Terry Bizal, Principal at Elk River High School. “You sit down with your Chromebook, open it up and start on whatever work you have, but you’re in a setting where you can collaborate and, of course, socialize.”
Development of the new middle school will continue with “user group” meetings in April and May – most done virtually, now, due to the coronavirus outbreak. However, Wold consultant Robert Sehm said meetings are moving along and the project will be on schedule for this summer’s construction season, with a projected completion for the 2021-2022 school year.
Gym Additions
Two other bond-supported projects were also part of the Board update on March 23, 2020. Construction of a new gymnasium at Rogers High and a 900-square foot “flex” classroom was introduced and met with approval, but not action. Bids on the gym addition and flex space will be requested soon, Sehm said. Zimmerman Middle/High School will also see a renovation and update in fitness areas, locker rooms, weight room, etc. Both projects are expected to be completed by the start of the 2021-2022 school year.
Handke gym update approved
Meanwhile, the School Board was given an update on the Handke Family Center Gym Project – which will be covered not by the $113 million voter-approved bond, but by long-term facility maintenance funds that were freed up by the bond projects. That project will rehabilitate the community education hub’s gym floor, create much-needed storage space and update equipment for community education programs and early education classes. Superintendent Bittman shared his excitement for the project, as the District’s work within Community Education and the entire school community remains a priority.
ERHS Parking Lot a Go
Finally, after approving bids for the reconstruction of the Elk River High School parking lot in February, ISD 728 leadership and the buildings and grounds team continue to work with contractors to move ahead on the project “as soon as possible,” according to Superintendent Dan Bittman. “This project has brought our various partners together and will provide a much better and safer situation for our students and families.”