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Elk River High ProStart Team Third in the Nation

Pro Start Team wins third!

Minnesota champions and traditional powers Elk River High School's ProStart team, led by advisor Monique Sabby, earned a third place medal and team trophy at the ProStart National Invitational last weekend in Washington, DC. 

The team - Lukas Larson, Harrison Brandt, Sawyer Hahn, Cassius VanAvery Esquire and Kaila Swar - competed in marketing and presentation as a "Boy Band," with the four male members (Lukas, Harrsion, Sawyer and Cassius) under the management of Kaila. 

"They exhibited the true meaning of what is means to be an 'Elk' as they displayed professionalism, charisma and positivity during the competition and throughout the weekend," Sabby said. "I could not be prouder of their accomplishments." 

The Elk River team, which has garnered several state championships and had several chefs recognized for their skills and leadership talents, had its highest finish ever at nationals this year.