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Student-Led Cohort Provides Educators, Leaders with New Experience

Teachers with Grad Awards

Earlier this year members of ISD 728 first ever “Shift to Student-Led '' Cohort participated in their graduation ceremony. 

The ceremony was the icing on the cake after 6 months of action based research focused on the concept of student-led learning, where students take ownership of their educational experience, driving their own inquiries and discoveries.

This job-embedded professional learning experience provided our cohort members with an opportunity to collaborate with their colleagues and receive feedback on their implementation plans. This work is directly aligned with the results statements in our new ISD 728 Strategic Plan that emphasize the following:

  • 4C’s, (Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Communication)

  • Relationship Skills and Self Management

  • Student Ownership 

  • Effective Use of Digital Tools

  • High Quality Professional Development


Teachers with Grad Awards

Student Led Cohort Members

Front Row:  Annie Allen (RMS), Meagan Harapat (RHS), Lauren Lien (ZMHS), Emily Zahn (ZMHS), Rebecca Hinkle (SMS) Back Row: Tyrone Schmidt (DLT), Rebecca Hagen (ISCS), Erin Olson (RHS), Pam Beckermann (DLT), Kirstin Anderson (ERHS), Michele Altavilla (ERHS), Dana Southward (VMS), Angie Bickman (ZMHS), Ena Rasmussen (DLT) 

Not Present: Julie Beaver (ZMHS)

BONUS! Watch the Graduation Speech!