24-25 Superintendent Goals
Instructional Management for the Success of all learners (Achievement)
Demonstrate an understanding of research of learning and instructional strategies; Describe and apply research and best practices on integrating curriculum and resources to help all learners achieve at high levels; Demonstrate the ability to utilize data for instructional decision making; Demonstrate the ability to implement alternative instructional designs, curriculum, behavior management, and assessment accommodations.
Specifically, the Superintendent will work collaboratively with staff and administration to apply effective instructional practices, use data to make decisions, and modify current systems to improve literacy achievement as demonstrated by things such as, but not limited to FAST, MCA, graduation rates, credit recovery, etc.
Formulate and carry out plans for communications, demonstrating facilitation skills; Recognize and apply an understanding of individual and group behavior in normal and stressful situations; Facilitate teamwork; Make presentations that are clear and easy to understand; Respond, review, and summarize information for groups; Communicate appropriately, speaking, listening, and writing for different audiences such as students, teachers, parents, and community members; and understand and utilize appropriate communication technology.
Specifically, the Superintendent will provide monthly communication to students/families, staff, and community members regarding school district happenings in a variety of formats.
Safety and Security: Demonstrate the ability to formulate safety and security plans to implement security procedures including an articulated emergency chain of command, safety procedures required by law, law enforcement assistance, communication with the public, and evacuation procedures; Demonstrate the ability to identify areas of vulnerability associated with school buses, buildings, and grounds and recommend a plan to take corrective action.
Specifically, the Superintendent will work collaboratively with internal and external partners to evaluate, implement, and make recommendations for corrective action to the School Board regarding safety and security practices, procedures, and law.