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School Board Meetings

Regular Meetings

Regular School Board meetings are typically held on the second Monday of each month. The meetings are open to the public. The meetings are held at the School District Office, 11500 193rd Avenue NW, Elk River. Board Meetings begin at 6 p.m. The Regular School Board meetings can be viewed in real time via live stream or watched at any time by visiting the video archive.  The public has the opportunity to speak to the board at Regular School Board Meetings. 

Public Comment

The purpose of a public comment period is to give community members an opportunity to provide input directly to the School Board about issues that fall within the School Board’s authority.  To fulfill this purpose, comments must be directed to the School Board.  Public comment is not a time for citizens to speak to the community or to the audience.  For this reason, public comment sessions are not recorded or live streamed. A summary of the public comment is placed in the minutes of the School Board meeting and available on the District’s website.

The following procedures are in place to assure open and orderly public discussion as well as to protect the due process and privacy rights of individuals under the law.

The School Board welcomes input from community members, including letters, emails, and phone calls.  For those who prefer to address the School Board directly, the School Board sets aside up to 20 minutes for public comment at regular School Board meetings, but not study sessions or special meetings.  Time for public comment at regular School Board meetings is not a requirement of the law; it is something the School Board chooses to provide.  The School Board would like to provide the community with some general information about public comment sessions, including the purpose of public comment sessions, the procedures that apply, and prohibited conduct.

Citizens who wish to address the School Board must submit a written request to speak before 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the day of the public School Board meeting.  The written request must be sent to or by using the ISD 728 School Board Public Forum Request Form.  The citizen must provide their name, home address, whether they have a child attending school in the District, the name of group represented (if any), their association with the school district (i.e. student, employee, resident, business owner, alumni, etc.), and the subject to be covered or the issue to be addressed. Individuals who do not submit all of the required information will not be approved and/or considered to address the Board at that meeting.

A District representative shall notify the individual in writing no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day of the public  school board meeting as to whether their request to address the School Board could be accommodated. 

Requests for Public Forum Speaking

  • Written Requests
    • Must be sent to
    • The citizen must provide their name, home address, whether they have a child attending school in the District, the name of group represented (if any), their association with the school district (i.e. student, employee, resident, business owner, alumni, etc.), and the subject to be covered or the issue to be addressed.
  • Board Meeting Speaking Requests

In the event that more than seven individuals submit a written request to speak during the public comment session, the School Board will give first priority to individuals who reside in the District, have a child in the District, or are employed by the District. The School Board will give second priority to individuals who wish to address a specific item on the agenda for that meeting. 

The School Board chair will recognize one speaker at a time, and will rule out of order other speakers who are not recognized.  Only those speakers recognized by the chair will be allowed to speak. Once approved to address the School Board, each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to address the School Board.  The three minute time that is allotted may not be given to another speaker under any circumstances. Comments by others are out of order. 

The School Board retains the discretion to limit discussion of any agenda item to a reasonable period of time as determined by the School Board.  If a group or organization wishes to address the School Board on a topic, the School Board reserves the right to require designation of one or more representatives or spokespersons to speak on behalf of the group or organization. 

The school district currently allocates 20 minutes and/or time for up to seven (7) individuals to address the School Board at each regular business meeting.  If more than seven individuals request to address the School Board at any particular meeting, those unable to address the School Board  shall be given an opportunity and priority to address the School Board at the next public meeting. They may also submit their information to the school board by email to

Speakers should avoid repeating comments that other speakers have made.  Cumulative presentations are not helpful and can deprive other individuals of the opportunity to speak during the public comment session.  The School Board will allow up to nine (9) minutes per topic.  As a general rule, this means that no more than three (3) speakers may speak on the same topic.

After 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the day of the public School Board meeting and once the individuals are identified to address the School Board, no additional speakers shall be approved to address the School Board that day, even if those approved did not, for whatever reason, decide to attend the meeting.

When the public comment/open forum period begins, the School Board Chair will call on each individual who has notified and approved to speak. The basic protocol includes:

  • The speaker will be asked to come forward from the School Board Chair. 
  • The speaker should address the School Board as a whole.
  • Courtesy and respect to everyone by everyone present is essential.
  • It is extremely helpful to the School Board if the speaker emphasizes their main points (i.e., first point, second point and third point).  This will make it easier to clearly understand the speaker's intent, purpose or recommendation.
  • Complaint references to specific persons, including staff and students, cannot be discussed in an open meeting unless the individual(s) have been notified, agree and note such to the School Board prior to the meeting.   
  • Statements and questions can only be raised during the public comment portion of the meeting, and only by the individual who has been recognized to speak by the chair.  
  • Although subjects to be brought forward may include negative topics, it is always recommended that speakers present themselves and their issue in a professional manner. 
  • Additional guidance and/or clarification of public comment protocol may be asked before the meeting to the Board Secretary or by email.

Work Sessions/Special Meetings

Special meetings, if necessary, and work sessions are scheduled on the fourth Monday of each month and take place in the District Office, 11500 193rd Avenue NW, Elk River, MN  55330, beginning at 5:30 p.m.  Although special meetings and work sessions are not videotaped or broadcast, they are still open to the public. The general purpose of work sessions is for Board members to be brought up-to-date on strategic plan, budget or other district issues that may come for a vote before the Board at a Regular Meeting.

Emergency Meetings

An emergency meeting is a business meeting scheduled with at least two hours notice to the public. An emergency meeting usually is called to address a situation that must be handled immediately. Action may be taken.

Closed Meetings

These meetings are not open to the public and rules for a closed meeting are determined by state statute. During this meeting only certain topics may be discussed such as property issues, negotiations, personnel matters and consultations with attorneys for pending litigations or settlements.