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Parenting for Digital Wellness

Empowering Parents: Steps to Foster Healthy Technology Habits in Children

As parents, understanding the appropriate use of cell phones and social media is more crucial than ever. While social media offers some positives, there are indicators that it can also affect the mental health and well-being of young people. 

With increased access to digital technology among adolescents, the potential impact on their mental health and overall well-being has become a growing concern. Research by the US Department of Health and Human Services shows that social media use by young people is nearly universal, with up to 95% of those aged 13-17 reporting using a social media platform and more than a third saying they use social media “almost constantly.”

The Surgeon General's recent advisory further underscores the importance of this topic, emphasizing the need for parents to be proactive in establishing guidelines for technology use at home. These guidelines can include creating tech-free zones, teaching responsible online behavior, and ensuring that children are aware of the potential risks associated with excessive screen time​.  By staying informed and involved, parents can help their children navigate the digital landscape safely, fostering a healthier relationship with technology in your family. 

Actionable Steps for Parents on Healthy Technology and Social Media Use With Your Child

  • Create a Family Media Plan
    • Establish clear rules for technology use, including screen time limits, content boundaries, and sharing of personal information
    • For guidance, please visit:

  • Establish Tech-Free Zones
    • Designate areas and times where technology is off-limits, such as during meals and before bedtime
    • Encourage face-to-face interactions to build stronger social bonds

  • Model Responsible Social Media Behavior
    • Be mindful of your own social media use; limit screen time and share content responsibly
    • Demonstrate positive online behavior that your children can emulate
  • Teach & Empower Your Children
    • Discuss the benefits and risks of social media and online behavior in an age-appropriate manner
    • Monitor their online activity and privacy settings, and encourage them to seek help if needed
    • The following resources can be used to assist parents in having conversations with their children or providing support and guidance on the appropriate use of cell phones and social media

Family Resources

These can be used to assist parents in having conversations with their children or providing support and guidance on the appropriate use of cell phones and social media:

Parenting for Digital Wellness Newsletters


Troy Anderson
Director, Instructional Technology
763-241-3400 x5007

digital wellness