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Absence Reporting

Parents and guardians can use the following options to inform school offices when their student is not going to be in school. Refer to your child's school website for additional attendance information.

Calling by Phone - Dial  (763) 241.3555  for all ISD 728 Schools.

When calling, please include the following information in the message:

    • Student first/last name
    • Date of the absence
    • Reason for the absence
    • Name of the person reporting the absence


Campus Portal Absence Requests

Visit Campus Portal and use the top left Menu button to access  More > Absence Requests  (see example screenshot below)

  1. Select the student(s) you are reporting for absence.
  2. Use the Excuse dropdown list to choose the reason the student(s) will be absent.
  3. Choose an Absence Type for a full day, arrive late, or leave early.
  4. Enter the absence Day and Time. If a full day, enter the first and last day the student will not be at school (can be the same day).
  5. Enter Comments about the reason for absence.
  6. Choose Submit button at bottom when finished.

Previously submitted absence requests for the student can be Viewed or Deleted using the options at the bottom of the Absence Requests area, including those made by other guardians in the household. Note: Duel enrolled students (including those taking online courses) may show duplicated requets to allow processing by each school, this is expected. More information is available here.


example screenshot