Household Updates
You can use Parent Portal to review and update your Household Family and Emergency Contact Information on file with ISD 728.
Please fill out the Parent Portal Support Request Form if you need help accessing your account.
Review & Update Household Information
Login in to Parent Portal at using your email address on file. Review each of the following areas and request updates where needed via the Update / Add / Remove buttons or by contacting the school office:
- Address Information: Primary phone number and home address - If you need to update your address please contact your child's school.
- Family Information: Contact info for members of the immediate household, such as parent cell phone number or email address. Move “cell phone” numbers into “other phone” to avoid texts.
- Demographics (per each student): Non-household contacts including non-parent/guardian emergency contacts not living in the household. (Repeat this step for each student).
- Emergency Closing (per each student): Where your child should go if the school needs to be closed during the school day because of an emergency. (Contact school office to change).
Text Messaging
In addition to email and phone calls for urgent district notices like school cancellations, ISD 728 will send text messages to mobile phones on file. If you prefer not to receive text messages, please do the following:
- Select the Family Information from the left menu.
- Select Update.
- Move the mobile phone numbers from the “cell phone” area to the “other phone” area.
Email Messaging
In addition to text and phone calls for urgent district notices like school cancellations, ISD 728 will send email messages addresses on file. If you prefer not to receive email messages, please do the following:
- Select the User Menu from the upper right person button.
- Select Settings.
- Select Contact Preferences.
- Check or Uncheck to types of messages you prefer to receive. For example, unchecking Emergency will remove email notification during in-school emergencies.
Why are Emergency Contacts Important?
If there is an emergency at school with a child and we can not get in touch with parents/guardians, we call the emergency contacts for direction. Similarly, if a school relocates students due to an emergency situation, schools will only release students to legal parents/guardians and emergency contacts.
How do I notify my student’s medical or mental health condition?
If your child has medical or mental health conditions that affects their school day and you have not yet notified the school, please also contact your child's school Health Office.
(763) 241-3548
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