Mental Health Resources
If you are in crisis, contact 988 immediately.
Open the topics below for additional mental health resources. For an imminent emergency, please dial 911 or 988. If your child or another student or staff within ISD 728 is dealing with a mental health issue (self harm, suicidal ideation, bullying or other potential crisis situation, in addition to 988 or 911, please use our Say Something Anonymous Reporting System.
ISD 728 Mental Health Supports:
- Counselors, Psychologists & Social Workers: Elementary & Secondary
ASR Assistants
Childhood and adolescent mental disorders affect many children and families. Students of all ages, genders, ethnic/racial backgrounds, and living in all regions of the United States experience mental disorders. It is estimated that 1 in 5 of children living in the United States experience a mental disorder in a given year. Early detection of childhood mental health problems, timely referral, and access to appropriate services leads to improvements in both mental disorder symptoms AND school performance.
In an effort to support student's mental health, our district offers support within a multi-tiered system. ISD 728 is committed to supporting the health and well-being of our students. For information about services/supports available at your child's school, contact their school counselor, school social worker or principal. Highlighted below are mental health support services offered in collaboration with community partners.
Mental Health Resources
- Suicide Hotline Resources
- Crisis Hotline Resources
- Mental Health Websites for Families, Kids and Teens
- Black & Culturally Based Health Resources
- Mental Health Guides
- Grief Support
- Self Care